Conference Roundup

AOA Adopts Resolutions to Advance Optometry and Public Access

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At the 2019 Optometry’s Meeting, the American Optometric Association (AOA) Congress adopted new solutions and bylaw amendments to advance the practice. The resolutions were passed June 22, 2019 and include:

  • The AOA supports use of AOA MORE (Measures and Outcomes Registry for Eyecare), which collects data from optometrists for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The AOA also encourages Merit-based Incentive Payment System program participation.
  • AOA members will communicate with non-optometric physicians in their communities to promote the value of eye care.
  • AOA members will use Think About Your Eyes’ (TAYE) resources and partner with TAYE on a national public awareness campaign.
  • A new dedication to the American Optometric Student Association (AOSA), including increasing outreach to optometry students.
  • A call for AOA-affiliated associations to support the United in Possibilities campaign to attract new members.
  • The AOA recognizes the Optometry’s Fund for Disaster Relief as the primary charity to support doctors and students of optometry.
  • The AOA encourages promotion of and use of the tools by the Advanced Procedure and Future Practice Education Task Force and the Future Practice Initiative.
  • The AOA acknowledges doctors of optometry providing care to Veterans and continues to prioritize safeguarding optimal care for Veterans.

In addition, a new “research scientist members” classification was initiated to better serve those without a doctorate of optometry but instead a PhD or PhD student status, as well as employed by an Accreditation Council on Optometric Education accredited or pre-accredited school or college of optometry. These members are now eligible to receive the AOA’s optometric educator membership.

The process for removing an officer or trustee from the Board of AOA Trustees was also revised. Removal now requires a three-quarters vote by the Board of Trustees for serious or repeat violations of the AOA’s procedures, as well as immediate reporting of the removal with rationale to the House of Delegates.

Follow aoa.org/news for further updates regarding these resolutions.


AOA adopts resolutions ranging from membership to media advocacy to veterans’ care. American Optometric Association. http://www.aoa.org/news/inside-optometry/aoa-board-of-trustee-resolutions-2019. June 25, 2019. Accessed June 27, 2019.

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