Conference Roundup

DED flares caused by range of triggers

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Short-term exacerbations of the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease (DED) can be triggered by environmental factors as well as ocular surgeries, according to a poster presented at ARVO 2021.

 In this 10-year literature review, 22 clinical trials or observational studies reporting dry eye flares or short-term exacerbations of the signs and symptoms of DED, were identified. DED flares after exposure to environmental triggers, cataract and refractive surgery, and exposure to controlled adverse environments were noted. 

The researchers found that DED flares occur in response to environmental triggers and/or ocular surgeries.

A significant increase in inflammatory biomarkers matrix metalloproteinase 9 and interleukin 6 were found in tear biomarkers after controlled adverse environment exposure; a significant decrease in homeostatic biomarker epidermal growth factor was also noted.

Other chronic inflammatory conditions, the researchers said, “have similar immune-mediated pathways as DED and feature subgroups of patients who experience episodes of flare and remission similar to those in DED.”

Disclosure: Dr Starr is a consultant for Kala Pharmaceuticals

Starr C, et al. Dry eye disease flares: A ten-year literature review. Poster presented at: ARVO 2021.

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