Dry Eye

This Impacts Dry Eye Patients as Much as Aqueous Deficiency

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It appears that short tear film break-up time (TBUT) in dry eye patients has as severe an impact as aqueous-deficiency (AD), at least as measured by certain quality-of-life (QoL) assessments, according to a multicenter cross-sectional study involving 449 individuals. 

Participants with dry eye averaged 20 years of age and were assessed for either short-TBUT or AD. Investigators looked at TBUT, Schirmer I value, and keratoconjunctival staining score. They also assessed QoL using the Dry Eye-Related Quality-of-Life Score (DEQS) and health utility with the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI-3). Among the results: 

  • Average DEQS and HUI-3 scores among all participants were 21.7 and 0.82, respectively. 
  • Median DEQS and HUI-3 scores in the AD group were 23.3 and 0.79, respectively. 
  • In the short TBUT contingent, these numbers were 23.3 and 0.82, respectively. 
  • Questionnaire scores did not differ between the 2 groups. 
  • A weak but significant link between TBUT, corneal staining score, and keratoconjunctival staining score to DEQS was observed.
  • The same was seen between TBUT and Schirmer to HUI-3.

Shigeyasu C, Yamada M, Kawashima M, et al. Quality of life measures and health utility values among dry eye subgroups. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2018;16(1):170. doi: 10.1186/s12955-018-0999-3. 

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