
New data on teprotumumab in the less severe eye of patients with TED to be presented at AAO 2020 Virtual

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New data on teprotumumab (Tepezza, Horizon Therapeutics) in the less severe eye of patients with Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) will be presented at AAO 2020 Virtual, according to a company press release. Additional new data from the OPTIC 48-week follow-up study and OPTIC-X clinical trial will also be presented.

“We continue to analyze our existing clinical trials and pursue new research to fully understand the impact Tepezza has on this challenging disease,” said Elizabeth H.Z. Thompson, PhD, group vice president, development and external search, Horizon in the press relase. “Our data demonstrating the effect of Tepezza at varying stages of the disease, including in the less severely affected eye and in patients who have had Thyroid Eye Disease for a longer period of time, will help advance the science of Thyroid Eye Disease and instill greater understanding of the role Tepezza can play in improving patient outcomes.”

A new analysis from the Phase 2 clinical trial and OPTIC Phase 3 confirmatory clinical trial focused on the efficacy of teprotumumab in treating the less severe eye, or “fellow eye” in participants.

At week 24, more patients receiving teprotumumab were proptosis responders in the fellow eye than patients receiving placebo (63.1% vs 8%). Worsening of proptosis occurred in 34.5% of patients in the placebo group compared to 0 in the treatment group. Clinical activity score also decreased in the fellow eye from baseline by a mean of -3.42 points in patients treated with teprotumumab compared to -2.00 points in patients in the placebo group.

Session: PO305 (Scientific Poster)
Improvement in the Fellow Eye of Patients With TED: Pooled Analyses From the Teprotumumab Studies

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