
Enterococcus Not Uncommon in the Setting of Endophthalmitis After Open Globe Injury

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The clinical presentations, microbiology, and management in outcomes patients with endophthalmitis caused by Enterococcus species were reported in the journal Retina.

Of the 29 patients with culture-proven Enterococcus endophthalmitis, 62% had open globe injury as an inciting event, 17.24% had endogenous, 10.34% had postcataract surgery, 6.89% had postscleral buckling, and 3.44% had postkeratoplasty.

The most common species isolated was Enterococcus casseliflavus (48.27%) followed by E. faecalis (31%). Susceptibility to vancomycin was seen in 93%. Visual acuity was the same at presentation and final visit in 34.48% of patients. Anatomical success was seen in 62% of patients, and corneal involvement was high at 82.75% of eyes.

The authors concluded that Enterococcus is not uncommon in patients with endophthalmitis after open globe injury and that visual outcome is poor regardless of “early and appropriate therapy due to inherent organism virulence.”


Vivek Pravin D, Avinash P, Imoro Zeba B, et al. Enterococcus endophthalmitis clinical settings, antimicrobial susceptibility, and management outcomes. Retina. 2020; 40(5):898-902.

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