Conference Roundup

From Summer to Fall: A look at ophthalmology’s biggest conferences

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With the Fall conference season on the horizon, we look back at some of the biggest stories from this summer’s conferences and what to expect at upcoming meetings.

Upcoming Fall Conference Information

AAO 2021 is scheduled for November 12-15 in New Orleans. All in-person attendees are required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

ASRS 39th Annual Scientific Meeting is scheduled for October 8-12 in San Antonio. All in-person attendees are required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination, although those recently treated for COVID-19 with proof of antibodies are exempt from the vaccine mandate.

ASOPRS 52nd Annual Fall Scientific Symposium is scheduled for November 11-12 in New Orleans. All in-person attendees are required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

Tops 5 Articles from this Summer’s Conferences

  1. Is AI inevitable in ophthalmology? That’s up for debate
  2. Debunking intraocular ocular tumor misconceptions
  3. Acknowledge what happened in 2020 to go forward in 2021, says industry experts
  4. Screening is the next frontier in tele-retina
  5. What’s next in glaucoma treatment?