
Recalcitrant TED responsive to teprotumumab

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Patients with recalcitrant thyroid eye disease (TED) treated with teprotumumab demonstrated a significant improvement in clinical activity score (CAS), proptosis mean reduction, and Gormon diplopia score (GDS), according to a poster at ASOPRS 52nd Annual Fall Scientific Symposium.

In this multicenter retrospective study, 52 patients with active moderate to severe TED who failed conventional therapy with corticosteroids, orbital radiation, tocilizumab, and/or surgical decompression were treated with teprotumumab.

Patients were followed for a mean of 29.6 weeks (range 10.9 – 58 weeks). After 2 and 5 infusions

there was a mean reduction in CAS of 2.8 and 3.6, respectively, and a mean reduction of proptosis of 2.6 mm and 4 mm, respectively. After 2 infusions, patients experienced an average increase of 38 points on the Graves’ ophthalmopathy quality of life questionnaire. Overall, patients GO-QOL improved by 23 points. After 5 infusions, 61% of patients with baseline diplopia had ≥1 point improvement in GDS.

The authors concluded that “These results indicate that TED recalcitrant to conventional therapies is responsive to teprotumumab and should be considered for the treatment of recalcitrant TED.”

Sears CM, et al. Teprotumumab for the Treatment of Recalcitrant Thyroid Eye Disease Connie. Presented at: ASOPRS 52nd Annual Fall Scientific Symposium.
