Dry Eye

First Results of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection for Severe Dry Eye Reported

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The first cases to show safety and tolerability of autologous platelet-rich plasma injection into meibomian glands (PRPMG) were presented by Sandra L. Cremers, MD, a dry eye specialist who practices in Rockville, MD, during the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery’s 2018 annual meeting in Washington, DC. 

Four patients with severe meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye disease were treated with PRPMG. Investigators followed up at 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Among the results: 

  • The procedure was well tolerated, with no infections, corneal abrasions, or postop pain. 
  • All reported significant symptom improvement.
  • In 1 patient who had abnormal salivary protein 1 IgA antibody, gland dropout percentage went from 60% preop to 27% postop. 
  • In another patient with abnormal rheumatoid factor IgG, Schirmers testing improved from 0 to 14 in the treated eye. 
  • 2 other patients report improved symptoms and follow-up results are pending.

Cremers S. The safety of autologous platelet-rich plasma injection into meibomian glands for patients with severe dry eyes. Talk presented at: 2018 ASCRS-ASOA Annual Meeting; April 13-17, 2018; Washington, DC.

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