Conference Roundup

ASCRS Incoming President Terry Kim, MD: Focus is on COVID-19 Recovery

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During the Opening General Session at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Virtual Annual Meeting, incoming president Terry Kim, MD, said his focus as ASCRS president will be on COVID-19 recovery.

Dr Kim, who lost his father to COVID-19, said he understands the personal and professional impact the pandemic is having on many.

“I know there are a lot of listeners out there in different stages of adapting to the current environment, reopening their practices, and I know many of you feel anxious, frustrated, or even depressed about the current crisis…” he told the audience. “I believe now is the time for all of us to coalesce together as a profession and I can’t think of a more important time than now for an organization like ASCRS to help lead us through this crisis.”

Dr Kim said the pandemic has brought many people and organizations together, highlighting the collaboration between ASCRS and the American Academy of Ophthalmology in providing guidance and updates to ophthalmologists navigating the changing clinical landscape.

Although there will be challenges as practices reopen and ophthalmology starts on the path to recovery, Dr Kim said he is fully committed to helping members move forward and recover successfully.

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