Dry Eye

Women suffer most from mask-associated dry eye found

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Several factors can make mask-associated dry eye (MADE) worse, including gender, history of dry eye disease (DED), and mask duration, according to a new study.

In this prospective cohort study, 203 patients who used facemasks daily completed a survey utilizing a modified Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire.

Statistically higher OSDI scores were found in women compared to men, people who used masks for >3 hours/day compared to those who used it <3 hours/day, and those with a history of DED compared to those without. Age did not affect OSDI values.

A greater worsening of DED was seen in 54.8% of patients with a history of DED compared to 17.7% of patients with no prior DED, regardless of the duration of mask-wearing.

Krolo I, Blazeka M, Merdzo I, et al. Mask-associated dry eye during COVID-19 pandemic-how face masks contribute to dry eye disease symptoms. Med Arch. 2021;75(2):144-148. doi: 10.5455/medarh.2021.75.144-148. PMID: 34219875; PMCID: PMC8228562.

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