
Trifocal IOLs Compared with EDOF, Monofocal, and Monovision Lenses

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Trifocal IOLs appear to more effectively restore complete range of vision compared with extended depth of focus (EDOF) and monofocal IOLs, according to a study involving 88 individuals. Results were presented by Arie L. Marcovich, MD, PhD, of the Cornea Service at the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine in McLean, VA, during the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery’s 2018 annual meeting in Washington, DC. 

Participants included patients who received an EDOF lens (n=38) or a tricfocal, monofocal, or monovision IOL (n=50) after cataract extraction surgery. Patients had 1-month postoperative manifest refraction. Investigators looked at spectacle independence, patient satisfaction, and photic subjective phenomena via survey. Among the results: 

  • Average postoperative uncorrected distant, intermediate, and near visual acuities in patients with EDOF lenses were: 0.07, 0.08, and 0.23, respectively. 
  • In those receiving trifocal IOLs, these measures were 0.07, 0.08, and 0.06, respectively.
  • In patients with monofocal IOLs, uncorrected distant acuity was 0.17. 
  • In those receiving monovision IOLs, measures were 0.08 for uncorrected distant acuity and 0.07 for uncorrected near visual acuity. 
  • Patients who were distance spectacle dependent made up 5%, 4%, 52%, and 20% of the EDOF, tricfocal, monofocal, and monovision groups, respectively. 
  • Those who required intermediate range visual aid comprised 13%, 4%, 96%, and 20% of the groups, respectively. 
  • Patients prone to use spectacles for near vision made up 45%, 14%, 64%, and 48% of the groups, respectively.
  • Those reporting postop halos or glare comprised 13%, 38%, 2%, and 6% of the groups, respectively.
  • Patients who said they were satisfied with their IOL choice and would choose it again comprised 72%, 76%, 56%, and 72% of the groups, respectively.

Marcovich, A.  Comparison of multifocal extended-range-of-vision IOLs and monofocal IOLs. Talk presented at: 2018 ASCRS-ASOA Annual Meeting; April 13-17, 2018; Washington, DC.

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