Contact Lenses

Contact Lens Prescribing Report Released

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The 18th annual report, International Contact Lens Prescribing in 2018, has been published. It includes key wearer information, as well as the latest on gas permeable contact lenses and soft lenses. The information presented is part of a database that includes more than 383,000 contact lens fits. It covers age and gender, material design, replacement frequency, as well as wearing modality of fitted lenses, anticipated weekly usage, and type of care system used.

You can read more here.  

Morgan B, Woods C, Ioannis G, et al. International Contact Lens Prescribing in 2018. [Published online January 2019]. Contact Lens Spectrum. https://www.clspectrum.com/issues/2019/january-2019/international-contact-lens-prescribing-in-2018

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