Dry Eye

Webinar will focus on novel surgical technique to treat Mechanical dry eye

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In a 3-D webinar hosted by Bio-Tissue, Inc, Neel Desai, MD will demonstrate his novel surgical technique known as Reservoir Restoration to treat Mechanical Dry Eye (MDE) as well as how to identify patients and treat patients diagnosed with MDE, according to a company press release.

“Reservoir Restoration is safe, relatively painless, and is performed in an outpatient setting. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and helps expedite the patient’s recovery by providing immediate and lasting relief, and promoting regenerative healing,” said TissueTech co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Scheffer C.G. Tseng, MD, PhD, in the press release. “With the new tissue in place, a reservoir of tears can form properly to keep the patient’s eye lubricated — thereby eliminating the symptoms that have been affecting them.”

The webinar, MDE in 3-D: Take A Closer Look, is free to health care professionals.

For more information, view the full press release here.

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