Conference Roundup

Real-world faricimab data shows improvements in VA in patients with wet AMD

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In patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) treated with faricimab in a real-world setting, improvements in visual acuity and anatomic parameters were demonstrated at an early time point, according to data presented at ASRS 2022.

In this retrospective study, treatment-naïve patients and patients who switched to faricimab from other anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapies are included. Data collection is ongoing, but currently 21 eyes (mean age of 81.1 years) have been evaluated at baseline treatment with faricimab.

The adjusted mean baseline ETDRS is 54.1 [0.7] letters and the adjusted mean baseline CST values is 440.7 [7.1] µm. The previous treatment interval was at 34.8 days.

At least 1 follow-up visit was completed by 12 patients, with an of 36.8 days. There was an average of +5.7 ETDRS letter improvement and a mean CST reduction of -91.7 µm. No adverse events have been reported.

Danzig C, et al. Real World Efficacy, Durability and Safety of Faricimab in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: The TRUCKEE Study. Presented at: ASRS 2022.
