
AAO Expands Partnership with Verana Health to Include EHR Data Integration and MIPS Reporting for the IRIS Registry

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The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) today announced that Verana Health, the data curation and analytics partner of the American Academy of Ophthalmology IRIS® Registry (Intelligent Research In Sight), will serve as the end-to-end data and technology partner for the IRIS Registry moving forward.  This announcement represents a significant expansion of the Verana Health and AAO relationship, with Verana Health assuming responsibility for EHR integration, practice support and MIPS (Merit-Based Incentive Payment System) quality reporting for physicians contributing to the IRIS Registry.

Verana Health was selected as the Academy’s new end-to-end data and technology partner for the IRIS Registry to offer an enhanced physician experience that is highly reliable and responsive to requests and inquiries, provide MIPS reporting with the highest-degree of quality, and ensure the exceptional data quality required to provide the ophthalmic community with meaningful insights and technology applications. Applications of this high quality data include more robust practice performance and benchmarking capabilities.

“Through its ability to provide novel insights into real-world evidence, the IRIS Registry is transforming our profession. The IRIS Registry has been pivotal in providing a MIPS quality reporting system that has saved Academy members nearly half a billion dollars in penalties since MIPS reporting began in 2017,” said David W. Parke, II, MD, CEO of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. “Verana Health is a trusted and valued partner that has a strong technology team with a deep understanding of our industry.  I am confident that its expanded role will continue to be an asset as we realize the full potential of the IRIS Registry. We’ve only just scratched the surface.”

“We’re excited about this new opportunity to further collaborate with the American Academy of Ophthalmology on the next-generation of the IRIS Registry,” said Miki Kapoor, CEO of Verana Health. “Verana Health is committed to providing an excellent practice experience, critical practice level insights and innovative, user-friendly technology applications. As the Academy’s data and technology partner, we will carefully curate the data to ensure the highest level of quality. Our goal is to advance the long-term vision of the IRIS Registry by creating a robust source for the generation of new scientific information that will ultimately result in new and improved treatments and better patient care.”

The roll-out will begin next month and continue over the next two years as Verana Health adds additional EHRs into its operations. Practices will be contacted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology as they become eligible for EHR integration and quality reporting through Verana Health. Current services will not be disrupted and there will be no impact to 2020 reporting. Practices will continue to be supported by the current registry services provider until the transition is complete. For more information and questions, physicians may access our list of frequently asked questions or contact [email protected].

Source: Verana Health

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