Cataract Surgery
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Patients aren’t as eager to have cataract surgery as previously thought

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According to a new study, cataract surgery candidates aren’t in a hurry to have their surgery done right away, which may result in not following recommended pre-surgical ocular surface preparation.

Of the 278 patients ≥65 years of age with no history of cataract surgery in either eye included in this survey, only 20% said they wanted to have cataract surgery. Only 8% indicated that wanted to have surgery right away. Approximately 30% of participants said fear was the predominant emotion, which was correlated with the intention to delay having cataract surgery for as long as possible (r = 0.44).

Very few patients (<2%) said they received recommendations from their doctors about home-health strategies that may lessen the risks of ocular surface disease preoperatively. Most participants said, however, that they would use (87%) or buy (83%) a pre-surgical prep kit if their doctor instructed them to do so.

Hellem A, LaBelle S, Matossian C, et al. Interpersonal Communication in Eye Care: An Analysis of Potential Impacts on Cataract Surgery Candidates’ Expectations and Behaviors. Clin Ophthalmol. 2022;16:1003-1008. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S356895. PMID: 35411131; PMCID: PMC8994619.
