
Gene Therapy for AMD on the Horizon

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Although not yet ready for clinical practice, there is reason to hope that ophthalmologists will be able to employ gene therapy “sooner rather than later for macular degeneration,” said Szilard Kiss, MD, assistant professor of ophthalmology and director of clinical research Weill Cornell Medical College in a recent interview.

It is important, he noted, to consider what you are delivering (anti-VEGFs aflibercept or ranibizumab, or a gene therapy to treat a rare disorder) and how you will deliver it (intravitreal and subretinal) to treat retinal disease. Dr Kiss went on to explain the advantages of using the subretinal space, and summarized results of proof-of-concept trials.

Dalton M. The time has come for gene therapy to treat retinal disease, AMD. [Published online March 26,2018]. Ophthalmology Times.  http://www.modernretina.com/age-related-macular-edema/time-has-come-gene-therapy-treat-retinal-disease-amd

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