
Phaco-KDB stabilizes disease progression in short- to medium-term

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Ab-interno excisional goniotomy using Kahook Dual Blade (KDB) with concomitant phacoemulsification cataract surgery in various glaucoma subtypes and severities is effective at reducing intraocular pressure (IOP) and antiglaucoma medication (AGM) use, according to study data presented at AAO 2022.

The study also demonstrated the medium-term efficacy of KDB combined with phacoemulsification in stabilizing disease progression.

In this multicenter case series, 106 eyes of 88 patients were followed for up ≥12 months. Glaucoma type include primary open angle glaucoma (55%), secondary glaucoma (20%), primary angle closure glaucoma (11%), normal tension glaucoma (10%), and mixed mechanism glaucoma (4%).

Overall, there was a surgical success rate of 93%, a 25% decrease in IP (from 18.9 ± 5.3 mmHg at baseline to 14.2 ± 3.4 mmHg at last follow-up), and a 17% reduction in AGM use (from 2.3 ± 1.3 medications at baseline to 1.9 ± 1.3 medications at last follow-up).

Disease stability, measured by structural and functional markers, including cup-to-disc ratio, retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, and visual field mean deviation, remained stable and postoperative improvement in best corrected visual acuity was preserved.

Salimi A, et al. Short- to Medium-Term Outcomes of Kahook Dual Blade Excisional Goniotomy With Concomitant Phacoemulsification: A Pan-Canadian Study. Poster presented at: AAO 2022.
