Contact Lenses

Soft Contact Lens-induced Dry Eye Linked to Tear Dynamics Only While Wearing Lenses

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Soft contact lens-related dry eye was associated with tear dynamics while wearing soft contact lenses but not after they were removed, according to a study published by Current Eye Research.

The prospective study analyzed the right eyes of 17 full-time disposable or frequent replacement soft contact lens users at Wada Eye Clinic (11 men, 6 women; mean age: 36.8 ± 8.3 years). Participants were divided into 2 groups depending on the presence or absence of dry eye symptoms while wearing contact lenses. Tear dynamics while wearing soft contact lenses and 15 minutes after removal of the lenses were observed with video interferometry daily.

In the symptomatic group (N = 10), 8 eyes showed poor tear spread and multicolor interference fringe (ie, swift flow of multicolor interference waves after a grayish monochromatic band-color after a blink). In the asymptomatic eyes (N = 7), 6 eyes showed good tear spread and a grayish monochromatic interference fringe.

The authors concluded that wearing soft contact lenses was associated with tear dynamics but not after they were removed. When wearing soft contact lenses, 40% of participants experienced worsened tear spread and good tear spread after the lenses were removed.



Kaido M, Kawashima M, Ishida R, Tsubota K. Tear film dynamics of soft contact lens-induced dry eye. Curr Eye Res. 2020; Jan 3[Online ahead of print].





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