Conference Roundup
Diabetic Macular Edema

Does diabetic macular edema affect color perception ?

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Patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) may have deficits in their color vision, according to a poster presented at ARVO 2022, which suggested color perception should be evaluated as part of a comprehensive ophthalmological examination.

Amongst the wenty29 patients with DME included in this study, all demonstrated color vision defects in all color tests, including H-R-R, the Ishihara Test (38 plates); and a new digital color test.

Results from the digital color test indicated an increased need for brightness in red, green, and blue.

In addition, colored targets were detected. In the blue targets, central macular thickness (CMT) was significantly correlated with brightness values

“Specifically, more brightness was required for the detection of the blue targets in individuals with increased values of CMT,” the authors wrote.

Almpanidou S, et al. Color Perception in patients with Diabetic Macular Edema. Presented at: ARVO 2022.
