Conference Roundup
Geographic Atrophy

Heidelberg Engineering’s technology spotlighted in various scientific presentations and programming at ARVO Annual Meeting

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Heidelberg Engineering, a privately-held company providing diagnostic solutions that empower eye care professionals to improve patient care, announced today that its imaging technologies were strongly represented at the 2021 ARVO conference, held virtually from May 1 – May 7, 2021. The SPECTRALIS imaging platform, which offers high-resolution visualization of ocular structures and vasculature, continues to play a significant role in clinical research and scientific programming during the annual conference.

The partial list of ARVO scientific presentations featuring innovations in Heidelberg Engineering posterior and anterior segment products include high-resolution OCT, deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO), confocal scanning laser microscopy, OCT angiography, corneal microscopy and biometry and corneal topography.

Retina specialist Richard F. Spaide, MD, of Vitreous Retina Macula Consultant of New York, presented Heidelberg Engineering’s vendor education lecture on the investigational “SPECTRALIS High-Res OCT”. In the presentation, Dr. Spaide discussed the SPECTRALIS high-resolution engineering prototype which features increased center wavelength and bandwidth capabilities, resulting in improved axial resolution. These modernized proficiencies allow for impressive increased visualization of the retina.

“As Heidelberg Engineering celebrates more than 30 years of noteworthy scientific contributions to the ophthalmic community, we were pleased to see SPECTRALIS technology heavily represented in imaging throughout this year’s ARVO scientific content,” said Heidelberg Engineering Managing Director, Arianna Schoess Vargas in a press release. “We are grateful to the doctors and researchers who have collaborated with us throughout our company’s longstanding history. We continue to work side by side with leaders in the field to increase the standard of imaging in ophthalmology and the advancement of scientific research.”

Exhibitor Presentation

  • Richard F. Spaide, MD – “High-Resolution SPECTRALIS OCT”

Scientific Program Highlights

  • Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, MD et al. – AI-based quantification of photoreceptor maintenance in the treatment of Geographic Atrophy Secondary to AMD in the FILLY trial
  • • Lydia Sauer, MD et al. – Special Interest Group: “Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO) – From Basic Science to Clinical Application”
  • Christian Mardin, MD et al. ‘APSifyed’ Bruch’s membrane opening (BMO) based peripapillary OCT-A analysis
  • Leyla Yavuz Saricay, MD et al. – Corneal Nerve Alterations of Neuropathic Corneal Pain Patients with Underlying Autoimmune Conditions: Comparative In Vivo Confocal Microscopy Study in Patients with and without Anti-Neuronal Antibodies
  • Grace George, MD, et al. – The Heidelberg Flex™ imaging system as a non-invasive bedside test of intracranial pressure
  • •Stephanie Tran, OD, MS et al. – Novel High-Resolution

SOURCE: Heidelberg Engineering

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