Conference Roundup

Microscope integrated optical coherence tomography system allows for more precise manipulation

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A new generation, high speed microscope integrated optical coherence tomography (MIOCT) system with real time volumetric”4D” visualization via heads-up stereoscopic display allowed for better retinal surgical maneuvers in mock surgical manipulation, according to a presentation by Lejla Vajzovic, MD at the 2020 ASRS Virtual Meeting.

The system is ready to be tested in human ophthalmic microsurgery, she said.

Mock surgical maneuvers were performed in ex-vivo porcine eyes.

A 100 kHz swept source laser was utilized for imaging during the creation of a retinal bleb. The 4D MIOCT allowed for clear visualization of the needle within the bleb and under the surface of the retina whereas the needle was obscured on the en-face microscope view.

When the MIOCT system with the 400 kH zource (8.68 Hz volume rate) was used for imaging of subretinal cysts, surgeons were able to monitor the dynamics of the tool tissue interaction and manipulate the cysts due to higher volume rate and heads up visualization.

Vajzovic L, et al. The next generation MIOCT system: Real time volumetric intraoperative optical coherence tomography with 4D visualization of surgical maneuvers. Presented at: 2020 ASRS Virtual Meeting.

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