Conference Roundup

Dry eye data gathered in technology-driven collection study

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A recent study that used a non-traditional approach to collect 15-years of real-world data on dry eye disease (DED) flares yielded data that may help improve diagnosis, treatment, and patient education of the condition and also improve quality of life, according to a presentation at ARVO 2021.

For this study, researchers collected and analyzed real-world patient insights into DED flares from unsolicited, self-reported and publicly available online data sources (patient- and HCP-reported information) using internet technology-driven data collection approaches from a 2005 to 2020. Patient experiences included DED flares symptoms, comorbid conditions, treatment usage, lifestyle behaviors, and quality of life impact. Researchers categorized functional impairments and symptoms from patient, caregiver, and provider narratives using the analytical framework SPEC-R (Social, Physical, Emotional, Cognitive and Role activity).

A total of 116,450 internet DED flares posts and 12,743 patient profiles were identified, collected, and analyzed from 75 data sources. The identified DED flare patient population was 88% female and 86% were between the ages of included 35 and 70. Eye discomfort, pain, and redness were the most reported symptoms associated with flares. In addition, 78% of the patients experienced DED flare resurgence within 2 months, or about ~6 flares per year. Allergy and depression were the most mentioned comorbidities and laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) was the most common trigger for DED flares. Social and family life, work, and the ability to concentrate were impacted the most by DED flares according to the SPEC-R analysis results.

Zhang S, et al. Gathering non-traditional, 15-year, real-world patient insights into dry eye flares. Presented at: ARVO 2021.

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