
TED found in younger ages in Asians, Hispanics

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Thyroid eye disease (TED) is found in younger ages in Asians and Hispanics compared with African Americans and Caucasians, according to a presentation at ASOPRS 2020 Fall Scientific Symposium.

Using data from the AAO IRIS Registry, researchers found 44,307 cases of thyroid eye disease out of approximately 47 million records, for an overall prevalence of 00.09%. The peak age was between 50-54 years.

Distribution was found to be normal across all ethnicities, with a female predominance (3:1 F:M) across all ethnicities. However, the proportion of vision-threatening manifestations were roughly equal between men and women. The proportion of vision-threatening manifestations also increased with age, with older patients having more severe manifestations.

The study confirmed previous literature that determined smoking status increased the risk of TED with current smokers having the highest risk, followed by former smokers, and finally never smokers.

Future studies should be done to determine clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes by race by TED, and how this data can be used to better predict and treat TED.

Ramesh S, et al. Prevalence and Associated Factors for Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) in the AAO IRIS® Registry. Presented at: ASOPRS 2020 Fall Scientific Symposium.

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